Monday, April 20, 2015

My Future Job

Someday I want to be a Concept Artist, these my future job –I guess-  I dream with work in Dreamworks, Blue Sky Studio or ThatGamecompany, although I want really participate in Studio Ghibli, but they work with only japanese people - or that's what I could see in his last documentary –

The concept artist can work in indoors, drawing, sketching, making the film o the video game, BUT and that’s important, they can work outdoors too. They need go to ground for collect information about places, animals, architecture, etc. that then they will use for the work in indoors.

Now I’m a amateur illustrator, I've learned autodidact and for my friends, maybe is  a bit close of Concept Artist, but I need a mentor and another studies, I’ m not sure, just I saw the amazing works of a few illustrators and they animate everything. I would like a talent scout to find me, but in Chile doesn't happen and sometimes depresses me. A lot people dream to work like Concept Artist in a famous Studio and just I need to work hard with my illustrations, characters, techniques and prepare a great portfolio for a someday I’ll send my work to big Studio.


  1. Wow!! I love Studio Ghibli films too!!! I think your dream will be fulfilled because you have talente (the character above is amazing).


  2. Is that your picture? Wow. Well done. It looks like a mix of a troll and Snufkin.
